1How can I create an account in Gamesbandy ?
- Press "Register" on the top of the header.
- You could connect with your Facebook or Google account directly or fill in your data (Username - Name - Email - Password).
- Accept our terms & conditions.
- Finally, press the "Register" button.
2How can I log in an account in Gamesbandy ?
- Press "Login" on the top of the header.
- You could connect with your Facebook or Google account directly or fill in your data (Email -and Password) .
- Finally, press the "Login" button.
3What should I do if I forgot my password ?
- From the "Login" form press on "Forgot Password".
- Write the email address that you used on the website before.
- Then, press the "Submit" button.
- Check your email messages (if you didn't find a new message, kindly check spam messages ).
- Then, press on the "Reset Password" button
- Finally, write a new password and sign in.
4How can I add my order to the cart ?
- Open Gamesbandy store.
- Press on your favorite item and review it.
- Press on the "Buy Now" button and it will be added to the cart.
5How can I remove my order from the cart ?
- Press on the cart icon button at the top of the platform.
- Press on the "remove" button.
6How can I checkout my cart ?
- Press on the cart icon below the header at the top of the platform.
- Review your selected items.
- Press on the "continue to checkout" button.
- Press continue to "Payment".
- Fill your name, email and Payment data.
- Finally press on the "Pay" button.
7Can I search for an item ?
- Yes, at the top of the Gamesbandy platform, you will find the search bar. Select your search type.
8How can I contact Gamesbandy?
- On the home page, press the "Contact Us" button.
- You can choose to send us a message through email, or other social media channels "Messanger, Whatsapp, Telegram or iMessage ".